At Kawach we believe in supporting our installing business partners from start to end. Numerous value-added services are provided from the design stage all the way through to execution to ensure our partners feel confident when working with us!
Turnkey Integration
Apart from supporting our channel partners in 90+ cities, we also specialise in providing complete integration of our technologies to build case studies and references to accelerate growth by building examples.
A&E Consulting
We support our network of valued architects, consultants and designers by providing sophisticated high-end technology designs and blue-prints for deploying complex yet highly empowering systems. Let us help you build technology like never before!
Kawach Provides Professional Security Systems for your Home, Office and other Facilities!
General public perception determined through countless surveys conducted by various organizations all speak the same thing: That public safety has gotten worse over the years! Some key stats reported are from the National Crime Records Bureau
Kawach aims to play its part and help narrow down this lack of public security infrastructure through the use of technology. Technology that not only monitors and watches over you, but also helps prevent crime from happening in the first place.
Working your way into a premises from a criminals perspective, Kawach helps protect your Home and Office first through a layer of electric fence which then integrates fully with our intruder Alarm solutions that not only senses a crime but also automatically alerts you through sirens, text messages and app notifications on android and iOS. Now that we have detected and informed about intruder alerts, we also help capture the evidence through smart video surveillance.